Saturday, April 30, 2011

Love Heals...For John.

Smoke curling upwards
Carrying me to your arms
A never ending emotion
That drifts through my day

Love softly kisses my soul
With such sweet abandon
Passion held tightly within
The pieces that form me

Wings beating softly
Caress my skin gently
Feathers of desire touch
The shivers in my heart

Life moves on so swiftly
Love is the glue that binds

Moonlit Dreams

Lit by the moonlight
The forest looks surreal
Silver edged leaves
Seem to float mid-air

Soft breeze disturbs
The warmth that enfolds
The stars drifting over
Seem so dazzling

Windows thrown open
To the shadows beyond
Gentle rustling from branches
The only sound tonight

Such beauty wrapped in velvet
Keeps me from my dreams

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Recapture...A Prayer for the Dying...for Jerry Thornton

Carry me, soft and gentle
Into sleeps arms and beyond
Painless at last, embrace me
In whatever must follow on
Whisper your lullaby in my ear
Let tenderness flow from the words
That slowly halt the beat
Make my last breath as sweet
As the first a newborn takes
Take my soul, so beautiful
And lay it with the angels
Let their wings curl around
The ones I leave behind me
Ease the loneliness they feel
As I step brave into the night

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Crimson Velvet of Passion

Eyes meet and connect
Reaching out across miles
That stand fast between us
Come. hold out your heart
Let me take it from you
Dance with it across the stars
Against a backdropp filled
With sparkling diamonds

Crimson velvet of passion
Swirls around my legs softly
Slowly covering my spirit
With the blush of desire
That spills from your fingers
As you reach to step in time
With the love that sings to me
Of future days and hopes

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Liquid Love

Sailing down the river named serenity
ushered by the laughter of summer wind
emerging and fading from my senses
are time defying moments captured by my mind’s eyes
fast moving screens, fading screens, still images, multiple pauses
then I stopped and saw “I” outside my body,
high on liquid love.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Arabic Love Poem

التطرف : الإفراط والتفريط
التصوف ، والتصوف
العبادة، والتفاني
من الصعب، من المستحيل
الأمطار، والكثره في المطر
زورق، سفينة
مرآة، انعكاسا

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Alive Again!

Shattered lives rebuilt
Friends used as props
To hold us as we climb
Exuberance returns slow
Colour floats back in again
Gradual the world turns
Each becomes adventure
As hands hold out strength
Birds sing and fly the skies
People move through vision
Not sudden realization now
Just a gentle slide back in
To melting emotions felt
Heart begins to look around
And the earth supports our feet
As we give thanks to all
Who's patience has enfolded
This journey of discovery
Inside ourselves once more

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why Women Cry, A Short Story.

A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?"

"Because I need to" she said.

"I don't understand," he said.

His mother just hugged him and said, "And you never will."

Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?"

"All women cry for no reason," his dad answered carelessly.

The little boy, still wondering why women cry, finally asked the old wise shaikh (scholar). "He surely knows the answer", he thought.

"Ya Shaikh! Why do women cry so easily?"

The Shaikh answered:

"When Allah made the woman she had to be special. He made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort.

He gave an inner strength to endure both childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children.

He gave her a toughness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining.

He gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child hurts her badly.

He gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart. He gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.

And lastly, He gave her a tear. This is hers and only hers exclusively to use whenever she needs it. She needs no reason, no explanation, its hers.

You see my son, the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the beauty of her face, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart - the place where love resides."

Curled Into

Curled into your arms
I could stay here forever
Comforted by your strength
Held close to your heart
Listening to its beat
Pulsing against my skin
Soothes me to sleep
Your cheek rests against
My hair so sweetly
I can feel you breathe
Through my whole body
Sitting here on your lap
Is the only place I want to be
Like a delicate flower
I know the petals of love
Are opening within my heart
The perfume of desire
Floats gently over me
Passions dance began
And our souls are in step
With the music that floods us

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Letter From the Dark

See me
I am the invisible woman
I am sending you this message from the darkness
of endlessly unrecognized days
Ignore my beauty , my intelligence
my talent for word and image
I have endured all kinds of
atrocities and obscenities
because somehow my invisibility has indicated that
I warrant no respect

You have both visibility and sound
Make them listen to the thunderous roar of my cry
Their inability to see me has
justified their deliberate ignorance
of easily rectifiable injustices
They hear what I say
they just see nothing

I am the invisible woman
Tell them the bare minimum
that one human being owes another
is the right to choose
It is never acceptable for you to
force your body on my body
I always have the choice of what
and where
and who happens to my body

The pain of silence and invisibility
is draining the life out of me!

Time Heals

Time heals

Or so they tell me

Love can scar, they forgot to say

A single word

Can devastate, wound and destroy

Sweet tenderness in a heart

So soft


One cup of bleach you made me drink to alter my speech
It burned holes through my soul
Stripped away all of my truth
And exposed a disfigured me
I speak what you tell me to say
I think what you want me to know
I walk in the direction you create
You have renamed my spirit
You've given her a name that I can not pronouce
She is foreign
And I don't know how to control her
She won't listen or she just can't hear me
Mirrors pass and I see not my reflection
But rather something unknown that seems to just linger
Unrecognizable I am, unnoticed I stay
No longer can I attract their eyes...I've tried
But my beauty has been stolen
I no longer breathe the same
Barriers of ignorance blocked my natural sense of direction
Misguided and now lost
I am alone walking backwards in an unfamiliar world...

Open Heart

Hands reach to hold
As the soul soars high
Pulling at the tendrils
That hang from its feet

Drifting behind like smoke
We watch as distance builds
A void we can't step over
Opens gaping between

Earthly feet can't tread
Upon heavens floors
They remain below here
To wait in restlessness

Open your heart wide
Let go of their memory

Nature's Fury

Through the storm she flies
Tossed and buffeted by winds
Washed by the rain that lashes
Her skin with its burning rage

Feet trace a pathway over
The granite clouds of anger
Delicatly treading on droplets
Of water that surround her

She holds out her hands
To catch the starlight
Throwing it downwards
To brighten the earth

Never fear the tempest
It's just nature venting fury

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tea Tray

Even on a sorrowing day
the little white cups without handles
would appear
filled with steaming hot tea
in a circle on the tray,
and whatever we were able
to say or not say
the tea tray would be passed,
we would sip
in silence,
it was just another way
lips could be speaking together
opening on the hot rim,
swallowing in unison.

Bridges Crossed

Never close those doors
Before you're sure it's right
Always look to the future
But don't forget the past

Each bridge you cross over
Must be left not destroyed
You never really know when
Retreat will be all you have

Look back over your shoulder
Now and then to reassure yourself
You made the choices that are right
For the walk in life you need now

Never let go of memories
For they may be all you hold

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Prayer and Mantra for Compassion.

Come passion,
Invite your presence to me.

Come passion,
Burn your feeling on my heart.

Come passion,
Let me feel your presence once again.

As I learn to pass it on to others,
Please Lord,
give me more compassion!

Silent Worship

Your mindfelt hymns, the length of your solemn prayers, mean nothing to those who simply look to the sky and believe!

Kathleen @16 yrs. old

Black Coffee

The flow of traffic diverts
My racing thoughts to watch
As life moves by so fast
Suspended in a bubble of care
I can feel you slip away
To hide behind your eyes
You place yourself outside
The range of us mere mortals
Blankness greets each question
We think to throw your way
And so I sit and wait for you
To look above the parapet
Of the wall you build so high
Black coffee
The only comfort left to me

Saturday, April 16, 2011

For Aqiyl (consciousskillz)

This vigil cripples my thoughts
Drags me down into shadows
Darkest depths that smother
With each breath you take

I try to rise above to the stars
But a heaviness pulls at my feet
Places my soul in a room of pain
Battles fought and lost surround us

Loneliness is a blanket
I shrug off as it masks me
Strength is only an illusion
Within these walls flickering

Your hands shake with the effort now
As life begins to open doors best closed

Tuesday, April 12, 2011



Come take a little walk with me
See the world through my eyes
Feel my emotions flowing deep
Touch the scars upon my heart

Hear my thoughts as they fly
To places once so dear to me
Trace the outlines of my life
Then tell me it's alright again

Friday, April 8, 2011

Unconditional Love

Like all brothers and sisters you suffer from a basic sense of inadequacy. You feel that you have made terrible mistakes that will be judged by a human or spiritual authority. You do not realize there is LOVE WITHOUT CONDITIONS.

Early Morning Silence

In the silence just before dawn
I sit and breath you in deeply
Your face in repose smiling
Like an angel without its wings
I can see them inside your heart
Folded tightly, curled around mine
Holding our love so gently to you

In the silence just before dawn
I watch over you when you dream
See the flickers that pass over
Features so fine and tender
Pulling at my soul so sweetly
Like a touch from the heavens
Caressing our love so softly

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Unseen they walk here
Wings furled tight around our hearts
They protect from harm

Prayer for the Dying

Carry me, soft and gentle
Into sleeps arms and beyond
Painless at last, embrace me
In whatever must follow on
Whisper your lullaby in my ear
Let tenderness flow from the words
That slowly halt the beat
Make my last breath as sweet
As the first a newborn takes
Take my soul, so beautiful
And lay it with the angels
Let their wings curl around
The ones I leave behind me
Ease the loneliness they feel
As I step brave into the night
Remember in all these conversations, we are sharing because you are so close, not because you are so far, we are refining and defining the path. It is going to happen in the twinkling of an eye, in a moment, in an instant when you least expect it the veil will fall and the internal reality of who you are.

100 million stars

100 million stars I would give to you
No matter what the cost
I'd hold them in my hands
Hold them out to you
Because my love that's what your worth
To me at this very moment
I'd give to you the moon and sun
If I could catch them in my arms
Hold them out for you to make your choice
If it would make you stay another day
These things might sound impossibe
But I would do this task
If it meant we'd remain
In love like this forever